Cause Communications’ ToolkitA guide to navigating communications for the nonprofit world is a comprehensive resource offering practical information in virtually every area of communications — from how to develop and budget a communications plan to what tools you need to help raise awareness and funds.The toolkit is practical and easy-to-use. Tips, templates and strategy outlines are based on more than 25 years of experience from professionals at Cause Communications, and on information from national qualitative and quantitative audits of what nonprofits need in the area of communications. Design MattersThe Why and How: 6 Reasons Why It’s Important to Hire a Graphic Designer: How hiring a graphic designer will improve your marketing strategy How to Hire a Graphic Designer Key Thing to Ask When Hiring Designers The Design Process: How to work with a graphic designer, articles by: An outline of the process a designer uses, by AIGA How to fund creative projects: Finding Grants to Fund Marketing Idea Encore Resources
Social MediaSocial media is a game-changer for nonprofits. Below are some guides and tools for Facebook and Twitter to help get you started! Mashable – The ultimate social media blog Facebook Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations Social Media: What is Your Strategy? Tweetdeck and Hootsuite are useful programs that let you update and track your Twitter and Facebook accounts from one location The Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide Nonprofit Communications BlogsKivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog (fromerly Nonprofit Media Works) ArticlesThe Philanthropy Journal has a great Marketing and Communications Resources Section. Vocus publishes monthly white papers and hosts webinars on PR themed topics.
Other Online ResourcesNetwork for Good: Online Fundraising Guides and eBooks — A series of free e-books, guides and white papers on online fundraising and marketing. |